
The Gadsden-Pacific Division Toy Train Museum is proud to present an incredible spectacle of completely functional model trains in a variety of scales. From miniature Z-scale all the way up to our ride-on 7 1/2” rail gauge train, we offer a unique look at the past that captures the imagination of every guest. You can’t help but marvel at the engineering of these time capsules.

To learn more about the several scales of model trains we have art the Gadsden Pacific, read this excellent explainer published by Railroad Model Craftsman.

Our dedicated team of volunteers meticulously set up new and exciting layouts each season that even our own staff find hidden treasures months after completion. Open to the public each Sunday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00, we invite you to come check out the magic of model toy trains!

Click on one of the images below to learn more about each of our exhibits!